How Organisations are Using People Analytics to Navigate Uncertainty


Panel discussion 3/7


  • Using people analytics to give the business the insights it needs?

  • The advantages of using people analytics in strategic workforce planning?

  • Challenges of implementing and driving a people analytics strategy

  • How is HR Analytics Elevating the Role of HR?

  • How do you quantify the business ROI of People Analytics

  • How to use people analytics to help the business move at speed

  • How has your data helped you make better-informed decisions to prioritise your employee wellbeing?

  • How do you see the profession of HR changing in the next few years as it becomes increasingly data-driven?


Beatriz Rodriguez, VP, HR Human Capital & Technology at Baker Hughes
Jan Krögel, VP, Employee Experience and People Analytics at Capgemini
Melissa Kantor, VP People Analytics & Insights Insights at The LEGO Group
Nicky Clement, VP Organisation & People Analytics at Unilever
David Souperbiet, SVP, CHRO, Europe at PepsiCo


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