Better Skills, Better Careers, Better Business: Why Skills are more Important Today than Ever


How Digital Learning & Coaching is Propelling the Reskilling Revolution

Gartner research states the #1 priority for HR Leaders in 2022 is building critical skills and competencies tops, key to enabling success for the business as a whole. New skills are replacing old ones, fast. Skills required for a single job is increasing at 6.3% annually, and 29% of the skills present in an average job posting in 2018 will be obsolete by 2022.

Discussion points

  • Why Skills are the Currency of the Future of Work

  • Retraining and Reskilling workers in the age of automation

  • How to empower L&D teams and professionals through technology

  • How to change the traditional Talent Management processes and work as a result of the new Talent Marketplace?

  • Why Using a Talent Mobility Platform Makes Sense


Selina Millstam, VP and Head of Talent Management at Ericsson
Tobias Julen, Vice President HR at Tanium
David Shontz, Head of Workforce Analytics & Organization Management at Nokia
Célia Dorlhac, HR Community Director at 365Talents
Julie Lavergne, Vice President People & Culture at Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

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