Why are Human Capital Decisions more Significant than Financial or Technology Decisions?


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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest Khurshid Anis, Former Global HR Strategy & People Analytics Leader at KeyBank.

Episode Highlights

  • Why are human capital decisions are so critical?

  • Why haven't organisations had a people focus on the people element?

  • Executives getting better at people decisions

  • HR has an opportunity to establish itself as the most business critical function

  • How HR can capitalise on this moment

  • On the workforce ecosystem

  • On skill development

  • HR's impact on recruitment and DEI

  • Khurhsid's background in psychology and how it's helped

  • Why are HR leaders walking away from the profession?

  • 'HR Heroes' giving gratitude for their immense work

Recommended Resources

Explore the latest innovations in HR Technology and guide your People Strategy with smart analytics by downloading the Definitive Report on the State of HR Metrics and Talent Analytics in 2021.


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