How Humans and Machines are Collaborating to Empower the Workforce


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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest Yvette Cameron, Senior VP, Global HCM Product Strategy at Oracle.

Episode Highlights

  • Yvette's passion for empowering others

  • A look at Oracles new report

  • How the pandemic redefined "success"

  • 85% of respondents want technology to help define their future

  • Companies should be doing more to listen to their peoples needs

  • HR understands the business, but our leaders don't understand the people

  • Connecting people to the business

  • The uptake of AI in organisations

  • Adopting AI for business: What are the barriers?

  • AI can help people feel more empowered and in control of their careers

  • How the great resignation is fuelled by the great awakening

Recommended Resources

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